Legal notice
Andreas Abel
Autorstraße 14
38102 Braunschweig
phone: +49 531 797490
venue for jurisdiction: Braunschweig
USt-IdNr.: DE263269063
©The copyright for the contents of this internet offer, especially texts, photos, videos, diagrams and drawings lies and remains solely with Andreas Abel or each other author respectively and is subject to the copyright law and other protective laws. The use or duplication of the content, e.g. in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the written consent of Andreas Abel or the other authors respectively. Please turn to me, Andreas Abel, if you intend to use the contents of this internet offer. Whoever violates the copyright law, (e.g. by copying the contents on his own website) is liable to legal prosecution according to §§106 ff copyright law and besides will be cautioned at their expense and sued for damages.
Information about links
This internet offer contains reference to other, external websites (links), on whose design and contents Andreas Abel has no influence and whose contents he has explicitly not adopted. Therefore Andreas Abel cannot be liable for prosecution for the contents of the linked websites.
Declaration about data protection
If within this internet offer the possibility of entering personal data (e-mail address, names, addresses, phone numbers etc) is given, this is done voluntarily. Using and handling the personal data Andreas Abel respects the respective legal regulations for data protection. The personal data made available by you are solely used internally with the intention to answer your questions, execute your orders or provide access to certain information. On your request we will inform you about the personal data we have stored about you. At any time you have the right of information about these data, as well as correction, deletion or blocking.
Information about data protection concerning Google Analytics
This website makes use of Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies“, text files which are stored on your computer and give you the possibility of an analysis of the use of this website by you. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is usually transferred to a server of Google in the USA and stored there. To protect your personal data we have expanded Google Analytics on our website by the code “set._anonymizeIP();“ in order to guarantee an anonymous recording of IP addresses in a way that no conclusion whatsoever can be drawn to you as an individual. Correspondingly your IP address is shortened by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting partner states which have signed the treaty concerning the European economic region; only in rare exceptional cases the complete IP address is transferred to a Google server in the USA and then shortened there. On our instructions Google will use this information to evaluate your use of this website to compile reports about website activities for the website operators and to provide other services connected with the use of this website and the internet. Besides Google will possibly pass on this information to a third party if this is required by legal regulations and if a third party handles these data on Google’s request. On no account will Google connect your IP address with other data stored by Google.
You can stop the storing of cookies by setting your browser software correspondingly; however, we must inform you that in this case you may then not be able to use all the functions of this website completely.
Besides you can prevent
- the recording of the data generated by cookies and referring to your use of this website (including your IP address) and the handling of these data by Google in the way explained above and for the given purpose by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link:
- and/or prevent the recording by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link, which sets an opt-out cookie which prevents the future recording of your data when you visit our website: deactivate Google Analytics